Friday, June 18, 2010

Queen Awesome's Adventures in Cancerland: World 12

We have a date! I got a call this morning from the hospital's booking department. The lady introduced herself as Tammy and told me that she was calling in regards to Dr Baliski's request for surgery and asked me if July 12th would work for me. I told her that was fine and asked if this was for the CT scan. Nope, this was for the surgery! Tammy seemed shocked that I hadn't had the CT scan done yet and told me that that had to be done before she could book the surgery. She told me that she would phone the CT department and "gently prod" them to see what was going on. I thanked her and she promised to call me back.

Want to get something done at the hospital? Get another hospital staffer on it!! haha Not even 2 minutes later Tammy called me back. I've been waiting weeks for news on the CT scan appointment. Dr Bobyn and Dr Baliski have both contacted the hospital to see what the hold up was and got nothing. Tammy got me an appointment in 2 minutes!! Tammy told me that she had spoken to the CT department and they could get me in on Tuesday, June 22nd at 10:40 am! She said that I should be getting an information package in the mail, hopefully before my Tuesday appointment, that would outline the CT scan procedure what I needed to do before the appointment. She told me that the CT department had me booked in for July 9th, but that appointment would not work for when she wanted to book my surgery so she had them bump me up. Go Tammy!!

Tammy's persuasion with the CT scan people means I also have my surgery date scheduled. I will go in for the lymph node biopsy and the surgery to remove more skin and tissue from my arm on July 12th. I am to call the hospital on July 9th to get my surgery time and pre-surgical instructions. The surgery will be done under general anesthetic (completely knocked out), but it is suppose to be a day surgery, so I should be going home that night. I will need some help when I get home as I'm not allowed to lift anything with that arm. I also suspect that I'll be hurting quite a bit considering the amount of skin and tissue being removed from my arm and then another incision in my arm pit as well.

So thanks to Tammy, I'm no longer twisting in the wind! I have my dates booked! The other good news is that now I know I can go on my 4x4 trip! Woo hoo!! I'm hoping to have the last few things on the truck done in the next few days and then a mini-trek next weekend to test it all out before the big multi-day trip on the July long weekend!

In another twist of good fate, I already have a doctor's appointment scheduled with Dr Bobyn for Thursday. I called and left a message for both Dr Baliski and Dr Bobyn with my scan date, so I'm hoping that when I go to see Dr Bobyn on Thursday, we can go over the scan results right away! Things are falling into place!


  1. That is fantastic! I'm so glad to hear!

    I am hoping and praying for a good outcome for you!

  2. Sounds like the moons are all lining up for you for your procedures and even can do the 4X4 trip........Whao
    Keeping you in our thoughts :-)

  3. Thank you V!

    Thank you Auntie Dee = ) I'm really looking forward to the 4x4 trip! It'll be nice to get away from the city for a couple days!

  4. Awesome :) sending you tons of positive thoughts from Vancouver :)
