Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Queen Awesome's Adventures in Cancerland: One Year Later

One year ago today, I was at the hospital having surgery to remove the melanoma from my arm. This year sure flew by!! And I am still so grateful to Dr Bobyn, Dr Baliski and everyone who supported me, especially Kerrie = ) With a medical and support team like them, cancer didn’t stand a chance!!

Since my last post, a few things have happened. I noticed a small spot developing on my right hand and showed it to Dr Bobyn at my May 18th appointment. Because of my melanoma history, Dr Bobyn wasn’t taking any chances and decided to remove and test the spot. I made an appointment with Dr Bobyn’s receptionist to have the spot biopsied on the afternoon June 8th. Kerrie booked that afternoon off so he could be with me and also drive since I wouldn’t be able to grip my shift knob in my car right away. Of course, once again I was a total wuss about the needle to freeze my hand. You’d think after the number of needles I’ve had lately, this fear would be easing some. Apparently not. Dr Bobyn removed the spot and sewed me up with 2 stitches. I made an appointment to come back in 2 weeks to remove my stitches and get the results of the biopsy.

Two weeks later I returned to Dr Bobyn’s office to have what I had dubbed “my little spider friend” removed. My spider friend left a small scar between my thumb and my wrist, but the results of the biopsy had not come in yet. Kerrie and I were leaving on a short getaway road trip to Montana and Idaho the next day, so Dawn told me to call her when we got back and as long as the results were good, she’d give them to me over the phone. I told they would be good so I would talk to her soon.

When Kerrie and I returned from our road trip, I called Dawn for my results. They still were not in!! Dawn told me she’d call me as soon as she heard anything. I was always very positive that the results were not going to be anything to worry about, but I’ll admit that I was starting to have a nervous flashback to my initial results about my arm and how those results were also delayed. Thankfully Dawn was also concerned and decided to make some calls to see what was causing the delay. On June 30th, I got a call from Dawn to say she had tracked down my results and they were great! She didn’t want me to be worrying over the Canada Day long weekend. = ) I thanked her and breathed a sigh of relief. Still cancer free!!

Yesterday, I was suppose to meet with Dr Williamson again. A few days ago I received a call from his office cancelling my July 11th appointment and rescheduling for the end of August. I am still very undecided about what I’d like to do about my arm. I think right now I’m leaning more towards not pursuing another surgery. But I will wait and see what Dr Williamson has so say when I see him again in August now.

One year. Wow, it’s amazing to think back on everything that has happened over the last year. It’s so bizarre how time can fly and drag at the same time. Last year’s surgery feels both like yesterday but also ages ago. And although summer is taking its sweet time arriving this year (at least in our neck of the woods), please remember to use your SPF. Mr Sun can get you, even on cloudy days! Be safe my friends! xoxo